Using Azure Pipelines at Dailymotion for the UWP Team, Running UI tests with WinAppDrivers in Azure Pipelines with YAML [Part 3]

This article will talk how the dailymotion UWP team used Azure Pipelines to run UI test. We will go over how to setup this CI using YAML.
It will be divided into 4 parts:
Part 2: Running Unit Tests in Azure Pipelines
Part 3: Running UI test with WinAppDrivers in Azure Pipelines
Part 4: Releasing test builds and publishing to the UWP Store
UI testing
To start out you might wish to read up on the Microsoft wiki about UI testing.
Project Structure
Here is the structure of the dailymotion solution:
├── pipelines/
├── Dailymotion.AppOnly.sln
└── Dailyotion.*[Folders]tests/
├── DailymotionUnitTests/DailymotionUnitTests.csproj
├── DailymotionUnitTests/DailymotionUnitTests.Core.csproj
└── DailymotionUITests/DailymotionUITest.csprojDailymotion.AllProjects.sln
Making WinAppDriver work with Azure Pipelines
First we are going to need to add the task WinAppDriver to our organisation:

Also, you can get the task from the marketplace under the Tasks tab in Azure Pipelines:

Once you have gone through this step you can start updating you YAML file with the task :
- task: WinAppDriver.winappdriver-pipelines-task.winappdriver-pipelines-task.Windows Application Driver@0
Which will start your UI testing in your application.
Our YAML File for UI tests
Now we will look at our file that will call run-ui-tests.yaml (which is a template file) which will execicute our UI tests:
# Universal Windows Platformtrigger:
- dev/*pr:
- dev/*name: 0.$(Date:yyMM).$(DayOfMonth)$(Rev:rr).0# because we dont have a lot of resources today only build in x64
- template: ./templates/build-app.yaml
platform: x64
buildPlatform: Debug# make sure WinAppDriver is activated in the AZURE PIPELINES org
- template: ./templates/run-ui-tests.yaml
platform: x64
buildPlatform: Debug# Unit test for UWP project and Core libraries
- template: ./templates/run-unit-tests.yaml
platform: x64
buildPlatform: Debug
Every time a commit is done to one of our development branches we will build and run the UI test.
Next, we can look at our run-ui-tests.yaml file:
# This template contains jobs to run UI tests using WinAppDriver.parameters:
platform: ''
buildPlatform: ''jobs:
- job: UITests${{ parameters.platform }}
displayName: UITests ${{ parameters.platform }}
dependsOn: Build${{ parameters.platform }}
condition: succeeded()
vmImage: windows-2019
skipComponentGovernanceDetection: true
- checkout: none- task: DownloadBuildArtifacts@0
displayName: Download AppxBundle and DailymotionUITests
artifactName: drop
itemPattern: |
drop/${{ parameters.buildPlatform }}/${{ parameters.platform }}/Dailymotion.Neon/AppPackages/**
drop/${{ parameters.buildPlatform }}/${{ parameters.platform }}/publish/**- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: Install certificate
filePath: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/drop/${{ parameters.buildPlatform }}/${{ parameters.platform }}/Dailymotion.Neon/AppPackages/Dailymotion.Neon_$(Build.BuildNumber)_${{ parameters.buildPlatform }}_Test/Add-AppDevPackage.ps1
arguments: -CertificatePath $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/drop/${{ parameters.buildPlatform }}/${{ parameters.platform }}/Dailymotion.Neon/AppPackages/Dailymotion.Neon_$(Build.BuildNumber)_${{ parameters.buildPlatform }}_Test/Dailymotion.Neon_$(Build.BuildNumber)_x86_x64_arm_Debug.cer -Force- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: Install app
filePath: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/drop/${{ parameters.buildPlatform }}/${{ parameters.platform }}/Dailymotion.Neon/AppPackages/Dailymotion.Neon_$(Build.BuildNumber)_${{ parameters.buildPlatform }}_Test/Add-AppDevPackage.ps1
arguments: -Force- task: WinAppDriver.winappdriver-pipelines-task.winappdriver-pipelines-task.Windows Application Driver@0
displayName: 'WinAppDriver - Start'
AgentResolution: 1080p- task: VSTest@2
displayName: Run DailymotionUITests
testAssemblyVer2: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/drop/${{ parameters.buildPlatform }}/${{ parameters.platform }}/publish/DailymotionUITest.dll
vsTestVersion: 16.0
runSettingsFile: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/drop/${{ parameters.buildPlatform }}/${{ parameters.platform }}/publish/DailymotionUITest.runsettings
platform: ${{ parameters.platform }}
configuration: ${{ parameters.buildPlatform }}
- task: WinAppDriver.winappdriver-pipelines-task.winappdriver-pipelines-task.Windows Application Driver@0
displayName: 'WinAppDriver - Stop'
OperationType: Stop
The important tasks are:
- task: DownloadBuildArtifacts@0
To get the binaries of your application and the UI tests
- task: PowerShell@2
To install the UWP app and its certificates
-task: WinAppDriver.winappdriver-pipelines-task.winappdriver-pipelines-task.Windows Application Driver@0
to start running the WinAppDriver (just like when you are running the app on your laptop)
- task: VSTest@2
To execute the Tests
- task: WinAppDriver.winappdriver-pipelines-task.winappdriver-pipelines-task.Windows Application Driver@0
And lastly to stop the WinAppDrivers.

If you don’t want to use YAML to setup your WinAppDriver UI test you can also use the UI by following this sample:
And that was a quick overview of how we were able to set up our Unit Tests when a commit is done on one of our development branch, in the next parts we will see:
Part 4: Releasing test builds and publishing to the UWP Store
Happy coding